The student protests on Wednesday 24 November have given an example to the rest of us. Not only did students, but also schoolchildren, protested, not just in London but all over the country. There were major demos in Bristol, Brighton, Liverpool, Manchester and other towns and cities. Twelve universities were occupied. Predictably the demo in London, during which a police van was wrecked, drew the biggest media coverage. Some schoolgirls tried to protect the van from further damage after it had been attacked. Many demonstrators were later 'kettled' by the police for 9 hours. That is - they were unlawfully held without food and water , or access to toilets in freezing conditions. What sort of police force is it that does this to our children?
The students are showing us the way, and leading the fightback against the cuts which are being inflicted upon the poor, unemployed, low paid and working and middle classes. What they have shown is that protest marches are not enough. We need to fight back with non-violent direct action. This will inevitably include the occupation, not just of universities and colleges, but libraries and other local authority buildings and factories that close, or are threatened with closure, as a result of the attack being waged on our communities by the ConDem government. Where the students have lead the rest of us must follow. If we don't we will lose the fight of our lives.
Get involved with your local trades council, if you are a union member - and also get involved in the coalition of resistance.
The time to fight back is upon us...
Hi Shelley, I was at the CoR conference in London on Saturday, haven't had time to write it up yet.
I'm off to my local trades council meeting on Thursday.
Good luck with your fight against the cuts
And yours, comrade.
I hope people realise that meetings, and saying 'someone should do something' about all this and then all sitting back isn't the order of the day.
Had a guy I know in my union do this - waste of time. Words without ctions won't win this for us. Too many of the old guys about, who lost track of what it meant to get out and do something.
Went to a TUC demo in Liverpool to rally against the Lib Liars conference - was ok, but only half the people marched (bet you were marching!!). Need to make our presence known, and the time is now
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