Sunday 8 September 2024

Are you left or right?

My contention is one that many aren't going to like. It's simple - there is no such thing as the political centre. If you are not on the left, you are on the right. 

So, what is the left? To be on the left, you must either be a socialist or an anarchist. You must believe in that fundamentally society need to be 'restructured' and organised with real power in the hands of communities. Power bottom up, not top down. In fact, in a socialist society, there wouldn't be a top.

To be on the political right you must be a liberal, centrist, conservative, or fascist. All these groups have one crucial thing in common - they all accept the existing capitalist order. 

History shows us that liberals and centrists, who accept the prevailing 'democratic' order, are fascist enablers. Fascism suits capitalism because it's not a threat to the prevailing order. If anything, it strengthens it. That is what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, workers, trade unions and the left were suppressed and murdered. No threat to profits from them.

Never trust a liberal or centrist. That may be uncomfortable reading but it's true.

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