Wednesday 16 October 2024

How centrist politicians generate fascism

The 'liberal MSM' has been hand wringing about the rise of far right parties in Europe. But why is this been happening? Why are the far racist right on the rise? 

The answer is simple. Thanks to the embrace of neoliberalism by European parties and the EU, we have seen a decline of social democracy and the rise of the right as a predictable response. That is why these 'left' parties are in decline all over Europe.

How does neoliberalism generate fascism? It's simple, people are immiserated by austerity and corporate profit gouging. Pay and job security is in decline. Public services are failing or being privatised. People get angry. The far-right populists stoke up hate by blaming immigrants, siding with corporations, and ignoring the real causes of people's misery. Rinse and repeat.

This is what happened in Germany after WWI. The economy was on its knees and burdened with reparations. Along came a saviour - Adolf Hitler. Blame the Jews, not war or capitalism. Find some scapegoats. It worked, and it's working again, but this time they blame 'migrants'. 'Centre left' parties are now pandering to this rise in hatred instead of fighting it.

If you want to know more about neoliberalism, its origins, and the human and environmental destruction it is causing globally, I recommend you read The Invisible Doctrine by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison.

As we can see with Trump and Musk in the USA, neoliberalism isn't just threatening a global collapse, it's close to trashing what's left of our democracy.

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