Monday, 6 January 2025

2025: The crisis continues

Who is looking forward to 2025? Where to start? 2024 was an annus horribilis: the war in Ukraine, the climate crisis, the slaughter in Gaza, a Labour government that failed in the first few months, the election of depraved criminal Trump, and an acceleration of the climate crisis. There's much more, but that will do for a start.

It's actually quite simple. As I've said before on this blog, neoliberalism is destroying people and planet. Neoliberalism is an extremist ideology, which puts the market above all else. Profit comes well before people and planet. If the triumph of the market brings about the end of civilisation - so be it.

Nu Labour panders to the free marketeers, which is why, after only 3 months in power, they had become unpopular. Now things are worse for them. Their corporate chums, like BlackRock, are like parasites, like Dracula. They want to suck the blood out of Britain. Every last drop. If our nation dies, they'll simply move on to the next victim. That is where we are. 

The kleptocrats, like Musk, operate with impunity, interfering in elections at home and abroad using their money to get the results that suit them. Musk is said to be planning a $100m donation to Farage's Reform Party, no doubt hoping that Reform will win the next UK GE, and he'll have Farage in his pocket*. It seems Nu Labour will do nothing to prevent this overseas interference in UK politics. Maybe that's because Kid Starver wants foreign donations?

Why is this all happening? Neoliberalism is the key. 'Centrist' governments in Europe and the UK have adopted austerity and neoliberalism, and immiserated, and alienated the electorate. This has paved the way for the rise of the far right and the failure of social democracy. Instead of moving back to the left, and fighting back,  social democratic parties have pandered to the racism and anti-asylum seeker hatred of the far-right, making themselves weaker in the process.

All of this is well summed up in the diagram below, which I found on the web. Happy to give credit for it, but I haven't found out who created it:

Unless things change politically, we will be dragged further into the swap. It ain't easy, but we have only one option - organise and fight back! We need to build from the grassroots as well and working, on a national level, to bring about change.

* Yes! We are all laughing since Musk rejected his grifting puppet Nigel Farage 😂 😂 😂

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So let's make change happen. Shake it up. A leftist appeal to the disenfranchised, the disengaged.