Wednesday 25 September 2024

Labour: the worst start to a government ever?

September. Party conference season. And, as I write this, Nu Labour are having their party conference. After a bizarre general election, in which Labour gained a 'landslide' with just 33.8% of the vote, we were treated to a party that promised change in its manifesto offering er... no change at all. Not only have they not ended the two child benefit cap, which many anticipated, but they also have now cut winter fuel payments for pensioners. Thanks to Reeves's £20 billion 'black hole' and her 'fiscal rules', which are pure made up BS, austerity is still on the menu. This is the complete opposite of what the UK needs.

What we do need is government investment in infrastructure and the economy. Reeves can easily find the money. All she needs to do is ask the Bank of England for it and she will get it from them. It's that simple. 

So Starmer's no hope and no change meant that his government was falling in popularity right from the start. The honeymoon period lasted about twenty-four hours or so, and, now, Starmer finds himself less popular than Rishi Sunak and Ed 'Post Office scandal' Davey. That's quite and achievement! 

To add to this fiasco, the Tory press has has had a field day in 'exposing' "freebiegate', in which Starmer, his wife, Angela Rayner, and David Lammy have received tens of thousands of pounds worth of gifts. According to Sky News:

"Sir Keir Starmer has come under scrutiny over the past week for the more than £100,000-worth of gifts he has accepted.

"It started with controversy over his wife's clothes and has escalated since Sky News' Westminster Accounts project revealed he has been gifted more freebies and hospitality than any other MP since 2019 - a total worth £107,145.

Starmer branded 'ivory tower leader' - latest updates

His acceptance of football tickets has proved particularly contentious, with some government officials reportedly concerned about a potential conflict of interest."

Labour may have settled with the junior doctors and rail workers, promised to nationalise rail, and a few other useful things but, so far, it is a national failure, with little sign of anything better in the future. Starmer's speech, which was hard to keep awake through, is summed up perfectly by Richard Murphy in this video (I recommend a visit to Murphy's YouTube site which also explains why Reeves 'black hole' and 'fiscal rules' are BS).

The only part of his speech worth watching was the gaffe when he asked for the return of sausages from Gaza, while his government continues to support the genocide which is happening there.

So, it's looking like five years of gloom and not much positive change. The neoliberal duopoly continues in the UK, just as it does in the USA

Sunday 8 September 2024

Are you left or right?

My contention is one that many aren't going to like. It's simple - there is no such thing as the political centre. If you are not on the left, you are on the right. 

So, what is the left? To be on the left, you must either be a socialist or an anarchist. You must believe in that fundamentally society need to be 'restructured' and organised with real power in the hands of communities. Power bottom up, not top down. In fact, in a socialist society, there wouldn't be a top.

To be on the political right you must be a liberal, centrist, conservative, or fascist. All these groups have one crucial thing in common - they all accept the existing capitalist order. 

History shows us that liberals and centrists, who accept the prevailing 'democratic' order, are fascist enablers. Fascism suits capitalism because it's not a threat to the prevailing order. If anything, it strengthens it. That is what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s, workers, trade unions and the left were suppressed and murdered. No threat to profits from them.

Never trust a liberal or centrist. That may be uncomfortable reading but it's true.

Friday 9 August 2024

Will Starmer sort the UK's racist riots?

Fourteen years of austerity and Tory destruction has changed the UK, for the worse. Many people are immiserated and angry. Poverty has grown, as well as homelessness. Many communities have been badly damaged.

I recommend you read Ghost Signs by Stu Hennigan. In his book, written during the Covid lockdown, he writes about how he volunteered to deliver food parcels and medicines to some of the most deprived areas in Leeds, where he lives. It's a depressing read. Streets with houses with broken windows and battered doors, TV sets and rubbish in front gardens, streets littered with empty beer cans. People old and young impoverished and on drugs. It's a hard, but essential read on the state of much of Britain today.

This is what the Tories have done to the UK. For sure, poverty existed before 2010 but, since then, it's become much worse, and people struggle to get access to healthcare as well as decent accommodation.

The Tories have deflected from the austerity crisis by declaring a war on 'migrants' after shutting down legal routes for asylum seekers. Sunak, Braverman and others have repeated the 'stop the boats' racist mantra over and over again, cheered on by the right wing media, and the likes of Nigel Farage and Stephen Yaxley Lennon.

After the horrible killing of three young girls in Southport, the far right jumped in, claiming the killer was a Muslim and an immigrant. He was neither. Lies were spread online and riots organised, in Southport and other towns across Britain. The police and people of colour were attacked, shops looted, and hotels set on fire egged on by the online mob.

Keir Starmer immediately said that the rioters would "face the full force of the law". But will they? Rioting thugs, many of whom have previous convictions, have been to court and been charged, with the longest sentence I've seen handed out standing at three years. Compare that with the five-year sentence handed out to Roger Hallam for planning a peaceful protest with Just Stop Oil.

Don't expect much from Starmer. We'll wait and see, but it seems unlikely that any of the sentences for violent disorder will match those for peaceful environmental protest.

The good news is the riots that were planned for last Wednesday night failed, largely due to the fact that thousands of protesters went out into the streets to defend 'migrants' and PoC. The 'silent majority' of UK citizens triumphed over the far right.

But what of the likes of Farage, Yaxley-Lennon and Laurence Fox who have been spreading hate on social media? What will happen to them? Yaxley-Lennon fled to Cyprus before the riots kicked off. Will he be dragged from his sun lounger back to the UK? Don't hold your breath.

Sunday 4 August 2024

GIve us a wealth tax now!

Wealth tax? (with thanks to Bill) 

To wealth tax, or not to wealth tax, that is the question

Whether 'tis endurable for us all to suffer

The swindling and robbery of those with outrageous fortunes,

Or to take arms against the clique of billionaires

And by opposing end them.

USA celebrates an evil war criminal

We were recently 'treated' to a real horror show. No, not a movie, but one of the most horrific things I've ever witnessed. Netanyahu, the evil war criminal, who is driving the Gaza genocide and angling for war in the Middle East, travelled to the USA to address Congress. Although a large group of mainly democrats boycotted his address, the majority of the house attended, applauding his delusional and deranged speech many times. 

Notable by his wholly predictable presence was fascist Elon Musk, who, since taking over Twitter, has turned it into a platform for right-wing hate speech*. He was invited by the war criminal - surprise, surprise!

Of course, millions of Americans objected to the war criminal's visit, and there were large protests near the Capitol attended by many thousands. The speakers included Jill Stein, who is the Green Party candidate in the forthcoming presidential election.

This was a dark day for America and another dark day for democracy, such as it is in the US and the West. The slaughter in Gaza continues, and we have now passed the 300-day mark with no end in sight.

Despite this, many millions around the world will continue to protest and fight for a free Palestine. "Free, free Palestine!" 

* I have recently been banned from Twitter. They haven't given me a reason, but I have no doubt that there is a connection with my many posts supportive of the Palestinian cause.

Monday 8 July 2024

Plus ca change, plus ca meme chose #GE2024

It's #SocialistSunday. My thoughts on the general election 2024. I'm a bit late with this, but I'm still recovering from the hangover on Friday morning. That's cos I'm getting old, but I've never seen an election result like this one. Of course, it's another shit show, but one like we've never seen the likes of before. We knew the Tories were going to get routed, and we weren't sure how bad it was going to be. One poll had them on 60 seats - if only! 

The infamous exit poll had the Tories on 131 seats and reform on 13. They ended with 121 and 5 respectively. Not bad, particularly when we got to see the backs of scumbags Rees-Mogg, Truss, Grant Schapps (if that is his name), transphobe Joanna Cherry, Mordaunt, and Fabricant (to name a few). But 5 Reform MPs is 5 too many.

But what about Labour? A landslide with 34% of the vote, less than they got in 2017 when Corbyn was leader. Kid Starver is the new PM and Reevesy says 'there is no money' - she's either thick or lying, or both, but where does that leave us? Not in a good place, for sure. Am I optimistic for Starver's 'change'. Not at all. It seems that the money he's going to be getting won't be from the BoE but borrow from the likes of Blackrock. So, more asset stripping and privatisation, and with freeports and SEZs it seems the `UK will soon have been completely asset stripped. There is a very real danger that Starmer's 'change' will just be business as usual.

In better news, the Greens did well, gaining 3 seats to a total of 4, and coming second in over 30. The Green manifesto was the best, and they are the most democratic party in the UK. The highlight for me was the re-election of Jeremy Corbyn in Islington North - 'Oh Jeremy Corbyn'. Big shout out as well to Fazia Shaheen, and Andrew Feinstein who halved Starver's vote in Holborn and St Pancras.

Better news as well today (Monday). It seems the French united left have beaten Le Pen in France and are now the largest group in the Assembly. That's something the left in the UK needs to learn from. 

The fight goes on, and on. As a comrade of mine once said - 'Organise, organise and organise!' We have a lot of work to do! Let's get going!

Sunday 7 July 2024

Stonehenge just got orange boo hoo hoo!

Still LMAO at this 😂*. Just Stop Oil sprayed some harmless orange 'paint' on Stonehenge as a protest. The criticism it provoked was almost as great as that with the statues of racist and slave owning colonisers kicked over a few years ago.

Predictably, Kid Starver joined the chorus of condemnation. He tweeted:

"The damage done to Stonehenge is outrageous. Just Stop Oil, are pathetic. Those responsible must face the full force of the law."

Full force eh? What a prick!

Stonehenge will be fine, but will those outraged conservatives ever be fine? I doubt it. They continue to fiddle with themselves while the planet burns. Hat's off to the protestors. I've no doubt they will continue the fight, and that others will join them, even though the government has criminalised everything that they do, including the 'thought crime' of planning demonstrations. 

We are on the highway to hell with the climate crisis, but the fossil fuel psychos have still got their foot firmly on the accelerator. Join the fight if you can, support Just Stop Oil and work for a better future for all.

* from June 20th 2024

Sunday 9 June 2024

The #GE2024 election shit show drags on and on

Where to start? I wrote a blog post about UK Democracy in 2010. Here it is. Nothing has improved since, in fact, things have got even worse. In the post, I said our democracy was a sham. You can have change, but only change that doesn't threaten the status quo. You can have gay marriage, but not publicly owned public services. Neoliberal capitalism rules our roost with all the politicians in its pockets.

What have we seen so far? Nothing that gives us any hope that the NHS will be protected, the postal service will improve, railways will be brought into public ownership, people will be able to afford decent housing, shit will be removed from our seas and rivers and there will be the action we need to deal with the climate crisis, and stop the genocide in Gaza. Nothing is better, everything is worse.

It looks certain that the Tories are going to crash, but we can't be sure how bad it will be. Sunak's latest bizarre gaffe was leaving the 80th D-Day remembrance early and coming back to the UK to do an interview with ITV. What was he thinking? Maybe he was thinking about living in California? - though he has said he will remain leader after the election. Of course he will. 

Starmer's staggering message is that he will bring 'change' even though he and Reeves have said things will remain the same. Inspiring stuff! Given that, he has lied repeatedly about Labour's policies, it's impossible to believe anything he says. Add to that the purge of left labour MPs such a Lloyd Russel Moyle, the racist treatment of Diane Abbot and Faiza Shaheen, and the parachuting of Israeli lobbyists such as the appalling Luke Akehurst into safe seats, makes the Labour Party a shit show that many people can no longer consider voting for.

In addition, we have the horrific bias of the UK media, platforming Richard Tice and Nigel Farage at every opportunity and ignoring the Green Party which has many more councils seats, an MP, and policies which are popular with much of the electorate.

We do have some hope, but it's pretty slim stuff. A lot of independent socialist candidates, good people, are standing. Andrew Feinstein in Starmer's constituency, Leanne Mohammed in Wes Streeting's, and Jody McIntyre against Jess Phillips. 

All I can say is, don't vote Tory or Labour. Please go out and vote Green, or socialist independent, and encourage others to do so. Campaign if you can. I live in a fairly safe Tory constituency where there may not be a green candidate*, so I'll be campaigning online. All we can hope is that some decent candidates will be elected and try to keep our chins up in difficult and testing times.

* I did check the candidates list, but it didn't say which party they represented! I haven't had a single leaflet or seen any candidates so far.

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Never forget the Nakba

The Nakba occurred 76 years ago today. Nakba means catastrophe. In 1948 Zionist settlers attacked and expelled 750,000 Palestinians from Palestine. Over 400 villages were destroyed. The racist, settler colonialist state of Israel came in being.

The expulsion of Palestinians and settlement by Zionists had long been planned. Zionists were in Palestine before the Second World War. Since 1948 the Palestinians have had to endure hatred, ethnic cleansing and murder in the apartheid state of Israel.

In 1990, Nelson Mandela, the leader of the African National Congress, who had fought against apartheid in South Africa said :

“If one has to refer to any of the parties as a terrorist state, one might refer to the Israeli government, because they are the people who are slaughtering defenseless and innocent Arabs in the occupied [Palestinian] territories, and we don’t regard that as acceptable.” 

Now Palestinians are facing a genocide in Gaza perpetrated by Netanyahu and the IOF. This has been going on for seven months and is the latest phase of the horrors inflicted on Palestinians by the Zionist occupiers. Complicit in this massacre are the USA, UK, EU and other western powers, and, of course, the mainstream western media.  At least 35,000 'citizens' of Gaza have been killed, including 15,000 children. Those are the quoted figures, but the real death toll is probably much worse.

Many decent people around the world are calling for a permanent ceasefire and the restoration of food, water and power to the people of Gaza, who are facing starvation - one of Israel's many war crimes. Peaceful marches have been held around the world calling for a ceasefire. Students in universities in the USA, UK, Europe and Asia have set up peaceful encampments calling for a ceasefire and their institutions to divest from Israel. Many of these protests have been met with brutal police violence and repression, but the protestors remain firm. 

Expelled Palestinians flee from their country in 1948

We must continue the fight to end the horrors in Gaza and the West Bank. We must have a ceasefire now and to ensure that Palestinians in Gaza get the humanitarian aid and medical help that they need. We need an end to the slaughter. Please keep working for this end. You can get involved by supporting the Palestinian Solidarity Campaign here.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Pound in me pocket

Pound in me pocket

I got no pound in me pocket

I ain’t got an eye in me socket

But Keef’s Labour

Will be our saviour

And boost Great Britain

Just like a rocket

That’s wot he say anyway

Growth the secret of our payday

Rach sez there’s nay money

But we’ll be in’t land of honey

Cos Keef’s Labour

Will be our saviour

Be sad if it weren’t funny.

Monday 15 April 2024

Welcome to the new dystopia

Welcome to the new dystopia, same as the old dystopia. It's Monday, and less than forty-eight hours ago Iran, in conjunction with Hezbollah and the Houthis, launched a series of missile and drone attacks on Israel. Twitter was alive with tweets about the assault, including footage of the iron dome, and the media stations quickly picked up the attack. WWIII was trending.

The Guardian later reported that:

"The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Sunday that about 360 missiles and drones were fired from Iran and that “99% of the threats” had been intercepted in a successful defence mission that may have cost Israel £800m – but will have saved many lives and dented Iran’s military credibility."

It's hard to find really accurate information on the attack and the extent of the success of it. It seems that Iran and its allies weren't expecting to cause very many casualties, and I've read that the drones that they used weren't the most sophisticated they have, though to date I've been unable to verify that.

I've no doubt that millions of people, including me, are sick and tired of the horrors of the Israeli genocide in Gaza, supported by the USA, UK and its allies, and are desperate for the slaughter to end. But Israel has impunity despite the so-called 'rules based order', and is able to get away with mass murder. As a result, the whole of the west has blood on its hands, and has lost all credibility, if it ever had any.

One of the worst offenders is Germany. They have offered unqualified support to Israel and have attacked genocide protestors in their own country. The Palestine Conference which was meant to be held in Germany on Saturday was raided by the police and shut down. One of the Jewish speakers was arrested. Yanis Varoufakis who was invited to speak via streaming has since been banned from entering Germany or making any political broadcasts there. You can find the speech that was banned here.

It's important to know that the dystopian world we live in now isn't new. It's been around for a very long time. When I was a kid, the Vietnam War was raging. The USA dropped many thousands of pounds of bombs on Vietnam and Cambodia, and rained down Agent Orange, a toxic herbicide, onto the rain forests. This series of photographs captures some of the horrors of that time. I was able to witness many of these horrors on TV news at home. Coverage was much more graphic in those days. And, since then, we have had other horrors in the former Yugoslavia, Libya, Iraq, and Afghanistan. This bloodshed has been going on for the whole of my life in the supposedly civilsed world, most of it initiated by the imperialist USA.

Here we are in our very own dystopia, wondering whether it's really all going to kick off. My view is that it won't - not for a while yet - but I can't be sure. Nobody can. This all comes on top of shit rivers, failing NHS, no dentists, shit post and public transport and a life negotiating potholes on the roads - #BrokenBritain - as they say. What can we do? Stay calm, organise, organise and fight back is the only real option. Support independent and independent socialist candidates in the upcoming local and national elections. Vote Green if you can (I'm not a massive fan, but they are a better option than any of the other parties), and boycott genocidal Labour and the Conservatives.

If you want to find out about more of the history and background to our current problems, check out my post on Western Culture.

Monday 25 March 2024

Not for the many, but for the few

Labour loves Thatcher

Do you remember the miners?
They went on strike 40 years ago
Trashed by Thatcher and her bullyboy police force
Infiltrated by MI5
Starved and beaten in a class war
Now Reeves is lauding Thatcher
Who knew
That Starmer’s Labour
Aren’t for the many but the few.

Saturday 24 February 2024

The value of victimhood

Did you know that your oppressors are the real victims? The people that keep you poor, without access to a dentist or healthcare, and living in grotty rented accommodation. That's what we learned this week after the farcical 'Gaza ceasefire debate' in parliament on Wednesday. Apparently, the fiasco, which scuppered the SNP motion on Israeli genocide wasn't down to Keir Starmer twisting the arm of the speaker Lyndsey Hoyle to break with precedent and allow Labour's amendment to the SNP's motion - it was really about the fear that MPs have of being threatened by protestors.

As the guardian reported: 'Hoyle on Thursday again apologised for a “wrong decision” and said his mistake had been made in pursuit of looking after MPs, after being told of “absolutely frightening” threats against them if the Labour position was not debated'.

Since then, we have had MPs whining about 'threats' from peaceful protestors who have questioned them about their support for Israeli genocide in Gaza. On Thursday, Glasgow MP Paul Sweeney claimed that his constituency office had been "stormed" by people protesting about Gaza. MPs are the real victims, not the helpless people of Gaza who are being slaughtered because of their refusal to support a ceasefire.

The National reported on the protest at Sweeney's office: 

"However, Police Scotland has now confirmed it was not aware of anyone storming in or threatening Labour staff.

Police Scotland also said it was made aware of a "peaceful protest" that officers attended with no issues because the protestors involved left of their own accord."

Victimhood has always been a weapon of the far-right. The Nazis started out of victims in a world that was 'controlled by Jews'. Wherever you look, the same thing is happening now. Liz Truss is apparently the victim of the 'deep state' rather than her own incompetence. This is what she said at the CPAC conference in the US with her far-right chum Stave Bannon. With these delusional goons, nothing can ever be their fault. There is always someone else to blame.

Expect a rise in victimhood as the far-right continue to exploit the anger and resentment of the millions that they have impoverished through austerity, profiteering and privatisation. It is those things which are driving far-right populism and the growing threat to what is left of our failing democracy. 

Sunday 11 February 2024

Great news about Andrew Feinstein!!!

Today, we have some good news for you! Andrew Feinstein, who lived in South Africa and was a friend of Nelson Mandela, has been selected by OCISA to stand as a candidate against Keir Starmer at the next general election!

OCISA is the Corbyn inspired campaign to remove Starmer in Holborn St Pancras, of which I am a member. I voted for Andrew whose parents were holocaust survivors, and moved to South Africa. Andrew, an ANC member, was elected and served with Mandela post apartheid.

He is a man of principle who has spoken out against the Zionist genocide in Gaza, unlike Starmer who said "Israel does have that right" in response to a question on LBC about the removal of water, and power from the Palestinians in Gaza, by the Israeli government on 11 October 2023, and who still supports Zionism "without qualification".

I hope all socialists will stand behind Andrew and support his campaign. I already know of many who will, and I'm sure he will get support from all over London and other parts of the UK. We have time to build an effective campaign to remove Starmer. Its a hill to climb, but we can do it. Get involved if you can!

Monday 29 January 2024

The ICJ ruling is not good for Israel

On the 26th January, a few days ago, the International Court of Justice delivered its interim verdict on the charges of genocide in a case brought by South Africa against Israel. The outcome was much more positive than many of us thought it would be. 

Although the word genocide wasn't mentioned, the court did refer to genocidal statements made by Israeli politicians and officials. The court made clear that Israel must not commit war crimes including injuring and killing Palestinian civilians, and denying them, food, healthcare and energy.

As you would expect, the Israelis dismissed the finding of the court and continued to bomb Gazaand deny food, medical supplies, and energy to the Palestinians trapped there. So, the genocide continues.

The following day, Israel claimed that twelve members of UNWRA took part in the 7th October attacks by Hamas. This has lead to Many countries including the USA, UK, Germany to cease funding to the relief orgainsation, further worsening the plight of the people of Gaza. I haven't been able, as yet, to confirm this allegation is true, but if it is, why did the Israelis wait until the 27th January to reveal this? Why didn't we know weeks ago? 

It has also been reported that Israeli settlers are trying to block aid entering Gaza

And so, the death toll continues to grow, and the catastrophe remains with no end in sight. If you want to donate to UNWRA to help the Palestinians, you can do so here.